Pete and Rachel are two friends of mine. I have never actually seen the two of them together, only seperate in different places. I have known that they were together, I heard about Pete proposing during a Moe show and compleatly surprising Rachel, but in the few years that I have known them I had never actually seen them in the same room together. When I met them to go off to boulder to shoot their engagement pictures, it all started coming together. Pete was shining his shoes and rachel was putting the finishing touches on her makeup routine. She asks for a diet Mountain dew, and imediately he jokes "no". But sure enough he comes around the corner with her request.
Pete wasn't too big on having his picture taken, in fact I had heard from another friend that he wont let anyone take his picture. It turns out that with his love by his side, he seemed to forget about the camera a little. All too often they would fake a gushy kiss and be lovey-dovey, but what they didn't realize was that the inbtween moments- when the thought no one was looking you could truely tell that they were in love.
I haven't had much time to know them as a couple, but what I do know is this..
they love music, they love Moe, and they love eachother.

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