Sunday, November 21, 2010

Something to be Thankful for!:: Life

November greetings! 

It's been a while since I've blogged. I want to blog. I want to find that outlet that I have been searching for. It's tough. Daily routine is something that I constantly struggle with. Not to mention, Im pretty sure that no one is reading. Are you reading? Leave a comment! 

Anyhow, here it is: Fall again! or shall I say the precursor to winter, which I know is right around the corner. I dread the fact that I cannot enjoy the summer sun for quite a while but I am getting over it slowly. Thanksgiving is around the bend and I have been a little blue these days, not finding much to be thankful for. Money is tight, work is slow, and school is chugging along like usual. Life does not stop, even when you don't feel like moving along with it. But in the spirit of the holiday, I am trying to realize that my life is full of love and that its not always easy, but there is so much to be thankful for. 

I am thankful for:

My wonderful husband, who loves me no matter what when or why. He is the greatest gift I could ever ask for as my birthday approaches on the 27th. 

We've been together for 9 years as of November 17th. I wouldn't trade a day for anything. 

He bought me my camera, and has inspired this journey of photography. 

He inspires me everyday to love myself and to love others with an open heart. 

My awesome doggies! 
Theses guys make me smile everyday! 

No matter what you do, they love you unconditionally. I am pretty sure that I love my dogs more than I love most people. 

They are like my children. Roxy (bottom), 8 years old is getting old and tired. I am afraid we are only going to have a few more years together. She has shown me more love than I could have ever imagined. Boston (top), the baby at a year and a half, is full of life and energy.  He makes me work harder than I want to. 

My Family

This is the last photo taken of my family together. 
We used to be a fearsome four, but since life gets in the way sometimes groups are dismantled. 

My parents are now divorced, I am living my own life, and my brother is doing the same. 

But one thing remains; I have a mother that is my best friend, a father who taught me all of lifes lessons that I never wanted to learn and a little brother who is so talented and has taught me about living life to its fullest. We can't always have what we want but we can hold on to what we have and for that I am eternally greatful. 

My roommate Daisha. 

The two of us make the perfect girl. We have created a bond that cannot be broken. 

I am so lucky that I get to have my cake and eat it to. I get to live the married life with my husband, and still retreat to have some girl time with my best friend. Its the best of both worlds! 

I am thankful for my friends, for whom I have many photos but it would consume this entire blog. I have many wonderful friends. Friendship is probably one of the things that I value most in this world. I strive to be a friend to all those I meet- the world could be so much greater if we were all friends. 

The more I write, the more I realize that this could be an exhausted list of things. I have so much to be thankful for.  

It is a great life, it's just not as easy as it looks in the pictures we take. The inbetween is what is hard, but we always get back to happy sooner or later. 


Like what you see? Let me know how you feel!!