Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer!:: Life

Flip Flops mean summer

Cute Carly

Hoopin' it up

My bro looks so tired....

Hiding from me...the paparazzi! 

Later that day.....

a sign I made for my husband who I missed so much! 

Were still kids around here....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Andrea's Portrait Sesh: Portraits

As I waited on a bench in front of Denver's Union Station for my first "real" client I tried to play it cool. I browsed through a newspaper and nerviously gazed through my sunglasses looking for Andrea. I tried to guess which woman walking my direction might be her. Finally she showed up, catching me by surprise-walking in from the side. She was shy but friendly and we sat for moment to get to know each other.

I tried to think off all the times I worked with other photographers; what they asked me, where we went, how they coached me, but everything went out the window and I just went for it.

We cruised around Denver looking for fun spots to shoot.

Love those green eyes! Andrea was great to work with and i hope I get the chance to do more fun portrait work! 

<3 T

My First Blog : Life

Apparently all of the photographers today have blogs. That's just fine with me, except I want to have a great blog that doesn't cost me much. This will have to do for now until I can afford to get pro-photo which is by far the coolest and most customizable blog designer.

This is my first blog, so welcome to my life. If your reading this, I'm far cooler than I thought I was. Hopefully you will like my work, and my zany personality. It shines through from time to time.  I am starting this blog to compliment my website:, which has been my all consuming project for the last few months.

To you fellow photogs out there- I would love feedback, pointers, tips and tricks to get my self out there. I want to share my passion of photography with the world, but I have found my self in a rut!

 Lets get this thing started!
<3 T